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Fentanylis closer than you think

Even if you think not my kid, it could be their friends. Teens are at that age where they want to experiment and have fun. They aren’t thinking that a drug could be laced with fentanyl, let alone that they could accidentally overdose.

Fentanyl is everywhere

All parents and caregivers should be concerned about fentanyl. If your child is offered a pill or powder, there’s a high chance it could be laced. It only takes a few salt-sized grains to overdose.

Drugs are one tap away

Getting drugs online is too easy. Dealers will often use drug-related emojis to sell on social media or online. Learn more about emoji codes to protect your child.

Talk Before They’re Offered Drugs

Before they start going to concerts and parties, start talking to them about fentanyl-laced drugs. Create a safe space so they can open up about drugs and everything they’re going through. For more information, check out Talking to Parents and Youth About Fentanyl.

Icon of a heart with arms hugging.

Show That You Care

Icon of naloxone.

Give Them Naloxone

Icon of a question bubble.

Be Clear About Expectations

Icon of a question mark.

Ask What They Know

Icon of a thought bubble.

Go Through Scenarios

Icon of a person speaking.

Avoid Lecturing Them

Icon of a family tree.

Discuss Any Family History

Icon of a book.

Be a Reliable Source

Protect Your Child
From Fentanyl

Accidental overdoses are happening every day. Teach them the signs, what to do, and how to use naloxone so they’re prepared to save a friend’s life.